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Our Journey



Our Journey

Dan felt the call to unreached people groups shortly after meeting Jesus in 2003, when he saw the ratio of Christians in Japan.  He then spent 6 years in the U.S. Air Force, traveling south east Asia and doing life and ministry with other missionaries.  In Japan he was given numerous opportunities to exercise the gifting that God had placed in his life by equipping groups in evangelism and apologetics to go out and pursue people who do not know Jesus as Lord.  After a short time in Thailand, he desired to move there permanently to equip/disciple college students to become church planters in their home countries.  Of course when life happens, God can direct and change our desires as He pleases.

During Dan and Lisa's 5 years in Oklahoma City, Dan finished up his degree in Biblical Studies at Moody Bible Institute and had the privilege of being mentored by Sam Storms at Bridgeway Church. Lisa remained busy having 3 children all born within 2 years and 4 months! From 2013 to 2015, Dan attended and graduated from Denver Seminary with a MA in Apologetics and Ethics. Though studies were very heavy, both Dan and Lisa engaged in and lead another gospel community group through Park Church.




Lisa spent most of her life with dreams of pursuing the life of a missionary.  She was given an opportunity to travel to Romania in 1999 to work with orphanages and hospitals on a short term mission trip.  Since then she knew that she was meant to go to the nations, but did not know how or when.  In 2008, she went on a 3 month medical mission trip to Liberia, working with Mercy Ships as a surgical technician.  During that season, Dan and Lisa's lives crossed paths, as they both desired to devote themselves to missions and were soon married and on a path to Oklahoma City (the last place in the world they expected to be).


Why Czech

So why the Czech Republic?

Why Czech

So why the Czech Republic?

After Dan was accepted into the Apologetics and Ethics program at Denver Seminary in the Winter of 2012, his pastor in Japan was in the process of moving his family to the Czech Republic to join a team of church planters with Pioneers, and he gave us the open ended invitation to join them (since apologetics is a great tool amidst an atheistic context).  We were reluctant at first, since we were praying to move to Thailand at the time, but while asking for the Holy Spirit's guidance, people began to approach us unsolicited from the Czech Republic to talk about the need in their homeland.  They would share about their demographics (1/2 of 1% of Czechs know Jesus as Lord and Treasure, and they are the most atheistic nation in the world), as well as the beauty of their culture.  

This occurred on a handful of occasions over the course of 2 weeks, and that was enough to turn our hearts toward becoming open to the possibility of moving there.  So, we connected with Pioneers International in the Summer of 2013 and they brought us on as one of their missionaries.  After a month long trip to Czech in the Summer of 2014, we were, without a doubt, committed to living there for the long term. 

We believe that God is passionate to see His Name magnified amongst the Czech people, and we long to play a role in His means to make that happen.

“Pravda vítězí”
"Truth Prevails" is the national motto of the Czech Republic.  Its influence and origin run deep within the country’s history and culture.  The motto is believed to be derived from the Czech theologian and reformer Jan Hus’ phrase, "Seek the truth, hear the truth, learn the truth, love the truth, speak the truth, hold the truth and defend the truth until death" c. 1400 AD.  We believe that this national motto in the hearts of the Czech people can only bring them full circle to the magnificent reality of Jesus of Nazareth.  

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Our New Home

Olomouc, Czech Republic

Our Home

Our New Home

Olomouc, Czech Republic

Our Home

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Raise Support

"Do you need to raise support?"

Raise Support

"Do you need to raise support?"

Yes, we need a team of monthly financial supporters to partner with us as we seek to exalt Christ in the Czech Republic. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us?  If so, click here...